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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Hair Raising Question: What Do Men Really Think About Hair?

The age old question. .. What do mean really think about our hair? I have heard everything from. "it's cool to have a weave. . as long as it doesn't fall off," or " naw, I don't like women with weave, it means they don't have any hair." boooo not true. :(

Sooo whats really goodie with the hair thing. .

Basically, I have heard it all. is talking about this hair raising question today on their site.

A lot of the men asked said they like natural hair. Some simply said they like there woman's hair to be straight.

So what about if you meet a guy and he thinks your hair is real. . then to find out it was fake. . ? Would you be upset if he didn't want to talk to you anymore. . ?

photo credit: Essence

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To b perfectly honest, men really don't care at all about your hair, as long as your hair is clean. It really doesn't matter.

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