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Monday, January 11, 2010

Hairstory 2: E stands for Emerald

Ladies and Gents, Here is another Fresh Face Beauty, Emerald. 

Check out her brief hair story:


I got my LAST relaxer February 2008. I transitioned with kinky twists and did my BC on New Years Eve of 2008.
I do not put any heat in my hair. Right now I’m washing it with dove products. Afterward, I apply unrefined Shea Butter to it and put in my two-strand twist.

What made you go natural?
My hair is really thick so even with a relaxer it would never look completely straight. I decided in high school that I would try going natural just to see what my natural texture was capable of. I tried a couple of times but always ended up relaxing it after about 7months. This final time in 2008 I did some research and found some transitioning styles to help me stick to the commitment of a Natural Hair Journey...after a couple of months I did my Big Chop (BC) and to me there was no turning back after that.

What was the hardest thing to get pass?
I think the hardest thing for me to do and get past was the BC. I told my family I was going natural but no one took me seriously until the day I BC'ed my hair. Growing up, society brainwashes you to believe to be beautiful you must have long hair and initially, I felt freed from that belief when I cut off my relaxed ends. But the next morning was another story- I looked in the mirror and I cried. It was hard but I think I just really had to get use to my new look....As I look back I am so proud of myself. I think it takes alot of inner strength to go against what you are used to. But as long as you only listen to yourself and not what others deem "beautiful" going natural can be a very educational experience.


I just recently started to oil my scalp with Kemi Oyl. Generally, after washing it and twisting it up I leave it alone for a few days. During the week I may add a little Carol’s Daughters Hair Milk or even some Luster’s Pink Lotion.


What is the hardest thing now being natural?
I think the hardest thing about being natural is staying natural. People tend to forget that going natural is reversible...with one weak moment you can relax it...but if you do place that chemical in your hair you have to remember how long it takes a long time to get back to natural after that.


My staple hair style right now is twist-strand twists. Sometimes I may rock cornrows in the front or sides with a twist out in the back or middle like a faux hawk.


What is your favorite hairstyle?
I love twist outs. I think that every time I twist my hair up it looks different when I unravel it....throughout the week I wake up and its like a new style everyday!


Sometimes I wash it and braid it up…take it out in the morning and let it do it’s own thing…with a headband or a flower :-)



Do you feel like a different person after shedding the perm?
I think I am a different person. I pay more attention to the products I use. When I got "perms" I would just slap any products in my hair that would lay it down. Now that I am natural I lean toward natural products and oils and I stay clear of products with harmful ingredients.

Do you think going natural is for everyone?
It can be. Natural is not just a look that is for a certain type of person. The way I see it is we were all born natural,so why can't everyone be natural again?


Photo credit: Models own


Thanks Emerald!


*If you’d like to be featured, shoot me an email at  I’m always looking for natural beauties to share their hairstories. 

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